Thursday, September 29, 2005

Do something you've never done before....

Today, I had Vegemite (hadn't had that before), and the other day I tried a cup of green tea (v.nice it was too!).

On Saturday, I went on a jet-ski (hadn't done that before either) - a little daring I have to say, as it was driven by my cousin's 20yr old boyfriend. Needless to say it was a scary ride (for which I had to hang on for dear life - quite funny really!) - and I ended up in the water! Thankfully there weren't any sharks around at the time!!

Sometimes it's good to do something you've never done before - and you never know, you might just enjoy it!


SarahB said...

Never tried vegemite - will there be enough space in the Penster suitcase?

Looking forward to catching up with you soon. Yay!



Nicole's Psalm said...

Still having fun. Why not

Nicole's Psalm said...

I went on the colosus in Thorp Park. that was fun.